3 Stages of Probiotics
TriActive Biotics Capsule - in Capsule technology features multi-stage delivery, while the patented "Moisture Defense" draws moisture...

3 Things to do during & after taking Antibiotics
3 Things to do during & after Antibiotics During a course of prescribed antibiotics: It is strongly recommended to take a daily...

4 Facts about Antibiotics
Fact #1: It's estimated that 70% of your Immune System is located in your digestive tract. There are over 100 trillion "good" bacteria in...

History & Benefits of Cod Liver Oil
Pure Icelandic Cod Liver Oil #1 Icelandic remedy for over 150 years History of Cod Liver Oil It first became established in the fishing...

3 Things to Remember When Changing Your Eating Habits
Today marks day #12 of my Whole30 life-style change. The Whole30 program is a 30-day reset where you eliminate certain food groups from...